Marjeela basij-rasikh
youth leaders network coordinator
Marjeela manages III's Youth Leaders Network (YLN). Prior to joining III, she co-led the Grants and Fund Development of Innovation Programs at Think Beyond Plastic™. Marjeela is also the founder of REESHA (Resettlement, Education, Empowerment, Sustainability, Health & Advocacy), a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to addressing the rapidly evolving needs of the most vulnerable Afghan families to help them thrive. She speaks 5 languages and loves to explore nature through traveling.
maja groff
senior treaty advisor
In addition to serving as III’s Senior Treaty Advisor, Maja is also the Chair of the IACC Treaty and Advisory Committees, and a Co-Chair for the International Coordinating Committee for the IACC campaign. She is the Convenor of the Climate Governance Commission and a former official (Principal Legal Officer) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Maja has drafted international legal policy documents for inter-governmental processes and published academically on private and public international law, human rights and global governance (e.g., Cambridge University Press, Edward Elgar, Hart, Intersentia).
special assistant to the Chair
Vitalina is the Special Assistant to Judge Wolf, the Chair of Integrity Initiatives International. She is a licensed attorney, having obtained her J.D. from New England Law | Boston and LL.M. in International and Comparative Law from The George Washington University. Vitalina has a strong background in management, operations, and non-profit governance. She is passionate about empowering transformative change and is convinced that combatting kleptocracy is the cornerstone of promoting democracy, tackling human rights violations, building peace, and securing justice around the globe.
Ian manages III’s operations and staff. He coordinates the global efforts to create the International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC). His writing on corruption and other foreign policy topics has been published in The New Republic, Lawfare, Just Security, The Diplomat, esglobal, The Daily Maverick, and other outlets. From 2013-2018, Lynch helped lead girls’ education projects in Afghanistan, where he experienced firsthand the devastating toll grand corruption can have on entire societies.
pusetso morapedi
Africa regional coordinator
Pusetso coordinates regional advocacy for the IACC in Africa. She recently worked for the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAFF) as its Southern Africa Director. She is the co-founding Board Secretary of the Botswana Centre for Public Integrity, which seeks to contribute to the achievement of the Botswana Vision 2036 Pillar 4 on Governance, Peace and Security and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16. She has worked with the UNCAC-Coalition as the Sub-Saharan Africa Coordinator and spearheaded the establishment of the Southern African Anti-Corruption Network (