ACLP: Life Cycle of Dirty Money 2025 Updates -International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC)
Jan 26, 2025
The Anti-Corruption Law Program (ACLP), a joint initiative of the Centre for Business Law at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at UBC, the Vancouver Anti-Corruption Institute, and Transparency International Canada, held a six-week course on Anti-Money Laundering in early 2025, called “The Life Cycle of Dirty Money: 2025 Updates”. The third session of the course focused on the IACC, and featured III Vice Chair Richard Goldstone, III Senior Treaty Advisor Maja Groff, and III partners Robert Currie and Jeffrey Simser.
Addressing the Accountability Gap Panel at Fordham Law School | April 24, 2024
APRIL 24, 2024
Fordham International Law Association, Leitner Center for International Law and Justice, and III hosted a discussion on 'Addressing the Accountability Gap: From National Mechanisms to the Proposed International Anti-Corruption Court.'
Speakers include:
Judge Mark L. Wolf (Senior Judge for U.S. District Court, District of MA)
Evan Mawarire (Director of Frontlines of Freedom at RDI)
Casey Michel (Director of Combatting Kleptocracy Program, Human Rights Foundation)
El Cid Butuyan (Sciences Po Lecturer and Former Faculty, Harvard Law School)
Justice Maria Wilson (Justice of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago)
Allan Rock (Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)
Creating an International Anti-Corruption Court with Judge Mark Wolf
March 25, 2024
In this episode of Building the Future, Daniel F. Runde is joined by Judge Mark Wolf, Chair of Integrity Initiatives International, to discuss his judicial career and his advocacy for the creation of the International Anti-Corruption Court.
Africa Sounding Board Meeting on the IACC | Integrity Initiatives International & Club de Madrid
MARCH 19, 2024
Watch the Virtual Africa Sounding Board Meeting on the International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC) co-hosted by Integrity Initiatives International (III) and Club de Madrid (CdM). Key regional government and civil society stakeholders attended this briefing on the global efforts to create the IACC. The briefing was followed by a Chatham House rules feedback session, including comments by high level officials and civil society from Botswana, Nigeria, South Africa, and beyond. Their comments will be integrated into the process to produce a draft treaty for the IACC.
Call for international anti-corruption court: Adv Paul Hoffman
JANUARY 31, 2024
Transparency International says most countries are failing to stop corruption worldwide and over 80% of the world's population live in countries where it's a problem. In releasing its Corruption Perception Index for 2023 it says countries with a strong rule of law and well-functioning democratic institutions often sit at the top of the index. The top ten countries include Denmark, Finland, New Zealand and Norway. SA has slipped below the global average and ranks 83 out of 180 countries - scoring 41 out of 100 on the index with 100 meaning not corrupt, and 0 meaning highly corrupt. Last year SA ranked 39. Advocate Paul Hoffman is the director of Accountability Now. He joined SABC News LIVE for some insights, including the call for an International Anti-Corruption Court.
Will an International Anti-Corruption Court curb grand scale corruption and state capture?
DECEMBER 4, 2023
Anti-Corruption Week presents a platform to collectively raise public awareness about how corruption and state capture have taken root in our society, its impact on the lives of ordinary people daily, and what should be done to uproot it, and hold accountable those who have enabled it.
The webinar will focus on:
“Will an International Anti-Corruption Court curb grand scale corruption and state capture?”
Judge Goldstone will share his expertise on this topic during the first part of the lecture and the second part of the webinar will be open for attendees to ask questions.
Allan Rock, World Refugee & Migration Council, Discusses the International Anti-Corruption Court
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023
There is a movement to try to create an International Anti-Corruption Court, to try to hold corrupt governments and politicians accountable. Allan Rock from the World Refugee & Migration Council talks about some of the biggest hurdles to getting it off the ground.
Lord Peter Hain wants UK to back establishment of an international anti-corruption court
The British government has turned down an appeal from Labour Lord Peter Hain for the UK to back the establishment of an international anti-corruption court. Lord Hain has championed this to hold accountable those involved in money laundering activities, which wipe off an estimated 5% of global GDP.
Lord Hain calls for an International Anti-Corruption Court
On July 6, 2023, Lord Peter Hain asked the UK government for its assessment of proposals for an International Anti-Corruption Court.
“EN - European Parliament workshop on the International Anti-Corruption Court” hosted by European Parliament, May 2023
On January 18, 2023, the European Parliament took a favorable stance on the proposed International Anti-Corruption Court. In its annual report on human rights and democracy in the world, it "calls for the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court under the supervision of the UN to be worked towards". On March 20, 2023, the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights hosted this workshop titled, "Towards an International Anti-Corruption Court?"
“Cross-Party Support for the International Anti-Corruption Court in the UK” hosted by the House of Lords Grand Committee, May 2023
With cross-party support, Lord Peter Hain proposed an amendment to the UK economic crime bill that would require the UK government to back the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court. On May 9, 2023, Lord Jonny Oates presented the amendment on Lord Hain's behalf in the House of Lords Grand Committee, followed by debate.
Cedric Ryngaert on Why the World Needs an International Anti-Corruption Court
Cedric Ryngaert Chairman of the Department of International and European Law at Utrecht University and the Editor-in-Chief of the Netherlands International Law Review, explores the role of an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC) as a potentially powerful innovation to the global governance architecture.
“Special Event: New Developments on the International Anti-Corruption Court” hosted by the UNCAC Coalition’s Grand Corruption and State Capture working group
A proposal by Integrity Initiatives International (III) is driving an international discussion on the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court. Significant interest from our network prompted a discussion on this proposal, hosted by the UNCAC Coalition’s Grand Corruption and State Capture working group, moderated by Gillian Dell (Transparency International) and Cynthia Gabriel (C4).
“Hybrid Policy Lab: Protecting Democracies from Corruption,” hosted by Club de Madrid, November 2022
Judge Mark Wolf, Chair of Integrity Initiatives International, and Maja Groff, Co-Chair of the International Coordinating Committee for the campaign for an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC), joined a hybrid policy lab to discuss the role of an IACC in strengthening the international framework to combat grand corruption and addressing the current gap in the enforcement of anti-corruption norms.
“Mark Wolf: Does the world need a new anti-corruption court?” BBC HARDtalk, November 2022
Judge Mark Wolf, Chair of Integrity Initiatives International, discusses the International Anti-Corruption Court with Zeinab Badawi on the BBC's HARDtalk program.
“Why establish an international Anti-Corruption Court,” hosted by The Hague Business Agency and Integrity Initiatives International during the Just Peace Month, October 2022
Maja Groff, Co-Chair of the International Coordinating Committee for the IACC campaign, Slagjana Taseva, Chair of Transparency International Macedonia, and Wim Jansen, Director of International Affairs at the Municipality of the Hague, join a webinar to discuss the need for an International Anti-Corruption Court.
“Justice Update – Campaign for a new International Anti-Corruption Court,” by “asymmetrical haircuts“ podcast, July 2022
III Vice-Chair Justice Richard Goldstone and Co-Chairs of the Campaign for the IACC Augusto Lopez-Claros and Maja Groff join journalist Janet Anderson for a briefing on the IACC.
“The creation of the International Anti-Corruption Court - and how to establish it,“ hosted by the International Bar Association, June 2022
The International Bar Association (IBA) Anti-Corruption Committee, the IBA Business Crime Committee and the IBA Criminal Law Committee hosted a webinar on the IACC. It was moderated by the Co-Chair of the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee Leopoldo Pagotto and his colleague Karla Lini Maeji, both of Brazil. The webinar speakers included III Vice Chairs Justice Richard Goldstone and Judge Claudia Escobar-Mejia, and Co-Chair of the Campaign for the IACC Maja Groff.
“Addressing the Enforcement Gap: The Proposal for an International Anti-Corruption Court,“ hosted by III at the World Justice Forum, June 2022
During the World Justice Forum 2022, III hosted a side-event at The Peace Palace to discuss the proposal for an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC), how would the IACC operate, and how would it fill the existing enforcement gap in the international anti-corruption framework. Panelists and speakers include Hanna Suchocka, former Prime Minister of Poland; Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; Dr. Jean-Pelé Fomété, Deputy Registrar of the International Court of Justice; Judge Mark Wolf, Chair of III; Maja Groff, Co-Chair of the International Coordinating Committee for the IACC Campaign; Serena Ibrahim, Member of the International Coordinating Committee for the IACC Campaign. The panel was moderated by Bianca Bolaños, Member of the III Youth Leaders Network.
Justice Richard Goldstone interviewed by the International Bar Association’s Anti-Corruption Committee, April 2022
Richard Goldstone, III Board Member, was interviewed by Leopoldo Pagotto, Senior Chair of the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee. They discussed the proposal for an International Anti-Corruption Court, as well as recent developments in the campaign for its establishment.
“Richard Goldstone - On the need for an International Anti Corruption Court,” hosted by King County Bar Association, April 2022
Richard Goldstone, III Board Member, appeared as a special guest at a King County Bar Association Business Law Section’s meeting to talk about the necessity for an International Anti-Corruption Court.
“International Cooperation to Prosecute Corruption and Recover Stolen Assets,” hosted by GOPAC (the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, March 2022
Starting around 46:00 in the video, hear remarks from Laode M. Syarif, Executive Director of Kemitraan (the Partnership for Governance Reform) in Indonesia, former Commissioner of the Indonesia Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK), and member of the Integrity Initiatives International Asia-Pacific Subcommittee.
“International Anti-Corruption Court: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?” hosted by the UBC Anti-Corruption Law Program, March 2022
The Anti-Corruption Law Program at the University of British Columbia Peter A. Allard School of Law hosted a webinar to discuss whether Canada should take a leading role in establishing the International Anti-Corruption Court. III partners Hon. Peter MacKay (former Minister of Justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of National Defense) and Hon. Allan Rock (former Minister of Justice, Minister of Health, and Canadian ambassador to the UN) made the case that Canada has the expertise, capacity, and responsibility to lead the process. Find more details about the event here.
“Enhancing Global Governance to Address the Climate Crisis,” hosted by III and the Global Challenges Foundation, November 2021
In the margins of the Glasgow Climate Summit in November 2021, III organized a panel on global governance proposals with the Global Challenges Foundation. Remarks on the IACC by Judge Mark Wolf (Chair of III) begin at 37:37 in the video recording of the event.
“Daniel Kaufmann on the Destructive Effects of Corruption,” Episode 12 of the Global Governance Podcast, October 2021
“Why the world of business would benefit from an International Anti-Corruption Court,” hosted by the Global Governance Forum, July 2021
Steve Sarowitz, Chairman and Founder of Paylocity (NASDAQ: PCTY), gave opening remarks and Ken Robinson, Board Member of Paylocity (NASDAQ: PCTY), gave closing remarks. Augusto Lopez-Claros, Chairman of the Global Governance Forum, moderated a briefing on the International Anti-Corruption Court for senior business leaders on July 28, 2021 by Mark Wolf, Chair of III, and Richard Goldstone, III Board Member.
“Corruption: exploring the damage, the threat and opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the current response,” Episode 1 of the Deloitte UK’s Tackling Illicit Finance videocast, July 2021
Katie Jackson, Partner, Head of Financial Crime at Deloitte UK introduces The Honourable Peter MacKay PC QC, former Minister in the Canadian Government and Judge Mark Wolf, Chair of III, who discuss the urgent need for an International Anti-Corruption Court.
“Official UN HLPF Side Event | Public Private Action to Combat Corruption,” hosted by Integrity Initiatives International and the International Chamber of Commerce, July 2021
Bringing together a wide range of civil society and business leaders, this side event at the UN High Level Political Forum (the UN’s primary meeting to address follow up to the Sustainable Development Goals) included two panels: 1) on the outcomes of the UN General Assembly’s first Special Session against Corruption (UNGASS) in June and 2) how collective public-private action can combat grand corruption to create a truly level playing field.
“Briefing on Why the World Needs an International Anti-Corruption Court,” hosted by the Global Governance Forum, May 2021
Augusto Lopez-Claros, Chairman of the Global Governance Forum, moderated a briefing on the International Anti-Corruption Court for UN delegations and members of civil society on May 25, 2021 by Mark Wolf, Chair of III, and Richard Goldstone, III Board Member. The Slovakian Ambassador to the UN Michal Mlynár also shared remarks.
“Endemic Global Corruption and Proposals for an International Anti-Corruption Court” hosted by Global Governance Forum, April 2021
In a panel moderated by Augusto Lopez-Claros, Chair of the Global Governance Forum, Mark Wolf, Chair of III, and Richard Goldstone, III Board Member, and other speakers will explore how and why the establishment of an International Anti-Corruption Court could be a vital institutional enhancement to the current global governance architecture.
“Strengthening Ukraine’s Sovereignty Through Sustainable Anti-Corruption,” hosted by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, April 2021
Mark Wolf, Chair of III, offers his remarks on the formation Ukraine’s High Anti-Corruption Court at 25:50, and his remarks on III’s initiative to establish an International Anti-Corruption Court at 30:56.
“Tackling Mass Forced Displacement and Corruption with Lloyd Axworthy,” Episode 13 of Moving the Needle on Wicked Problems with Senator Ratna Omidvar, March 2021
The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, the chair of the World Refugee and Migration Council and former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Employment and Immigration, speaks with Canadian Senator Ratna Omidvar and Paul Faucette, her Director of Parliamentary Affairs, about what drove him to get into public service, the value of allowing Canadians to privately sponsor refugees, the need for an International Anti-Corruption Court, and more.
“Does the World Need an International Anti-Corruption Court?” Episode 1 of the Global Governance Podcast, January 2021
“Kleptocracy: The Need for an International Anti-Corruption Court,” hosted by the Trinity Business School at Trinity College Dublin, December 2020
Mark Wolf, Chair of III, and Richard Goldstone, III Board Member, speak at the Trinity Business Ethics Speaker Series about the need for an International Anti-Corruption Court.
“The Human Consequences of Corruption,” hosted by the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, November 2020
In a panel moderated by Sushma Raman from the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights, Mark Wolf, Chair of Integrity Initiatives International (III), is joined by Will Fitzgibbon (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) and Slagjana Taseva (TI Macedonia) to discuss the linkages between corruption and human rights abuses.
“Fighting Corruption with Bill Browder",” Episode 1 of Moving the Needle on Wicked Problems with Senator Ratna Omidvar, October 2020
Businessman and anti-corruption activist Bill Browder speaks with Canadian Senator Ratna Omidvar and Paul Faucette, her Director of Parliamentary Affairs, about the impact of Magnitsky legislation on corrupt officials, the purpose of the Canadian Frozen Assets Repurposing Act, and the proposal to create an International Anti-Corruption Court.
“HOLDING KLEPTOCRATS TO ACCOUNT,” hosted by the World Refugee and Migration Council and Integrity Initiatives International, August 2020
The panel discussion was moderated by Susan Harada. Our panelists were: Lloyd Axworthy, Chair, World Refugee & Migration Council; Michael Camilleri, Director, Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, Inter-American Dialogue; María de los Ángeles Estrada, Executive Director, Transparency and Anti-corruption Initiative, Monterrey Institute of Technology; Ratna Omidvar, Independent Senator, Senate of Canada; WRMC Distinguished Advisor Allan Rock; former member of the Ukraine Parliament Iegor Soboliev; and Integrity Initiatives International Chair Mark Wolf.
“Kleptocrats, Coronavirus, & How to Combat Them,” hosted by the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, May 2020
The response to the Coronavirus pandemic will prove a bonanza for corrupt leaders who have historically robbed their countries of funds needed for the health and welfare of their citizens as trillions of dollars are disbursed without even the usual, ineffective safeguards. Panelists from the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Integrity Initiatives International, Global Witness, and The Sentry discuss the immediate need to enhance transparency and accountability with existing resources, and the ultimate need for an International Anti-Corruption Court to punish and deter the shameless kleptocrats that the pandemic will eventually expose.
Mark Wolf interviewed on the BBC’s HARDTalk, November 2018
Mark Wolf, Chair of Integrity Initiatives International (III), speaks on BBC's HARDtalk about the need for the International Anti-Corruption Court.
III Chair Mark Wolf discusses the International Anti-Corruption Court on Streiner Buró Anticorrupción
III Chair Mark Wolf debates the concept of the IACC with Harvard Law School Professor Matthew Stephenson on the “Bribe, Swindle, or Steal” Podcast by TRACE International
ABC Australia’s Fran Kelly Interview with Mark Wolf
Asia and the Pacific Policy Society Interview with Mark Wolf
The Cost of Corruption, BBC Newshour Extra
“There is a need for an International Anti-Corruption Court to diminish the devastating consequences of grand corruption - or kleptocracy - the abuse of public office for private profit by a nation’s leader.”
Chair, Integrity Initiatives International